The Crypto Cap Collection

Bottle Caps in The Dreadlands


After a few lengthy drinks in the Bar & Chill, you eventually ask Jax to see the Crypto Cap NFTs!

Jax begins to explain, “The Crypto Caps are from Dreadlands East, both a place full of drunks and low-life’s, not to mention wheat fields…

After a few lengthy drinks in the Bar & Chill, you eventually ask Jax to see the Crypto Cap NFT Collection!

Jax begins to explain, “The Crypto Caps are from Dreadlands East, both a place full of drunks and low-life’s, not to mention wheat fields, making Crypto Drinks extremely popular with the locals.”

From extremely rare beers to everyday soda, the Digi Caps Raiders finally managed to scavenge all collectables in this area so you don’t have to!

The Crypto Caps NFT Collection consists of 555 caps which are in fact stored securely in the Digi Caps Bar & Chill underground safe.

Crypto Cap NFTs

156/555 Crypto Cap NFTs Sold

A Selection of Caps

Here are a selection of some of our favourite caps. Click on one to take you to it’s OpenSea page. Browse the whole collection on OpenSea.

The Rarest Caps

There are only 6 animated Electron Special Brews in the collection of 555 Crypto Caps! Who will grab the last super rare cap?

Cap Holder Bonuses

Further bonuses for holding these NFTs

Collect Bottle Cap NFTs and moreover add up their rarity score for crypto rewards. Given that, each cap has a Dreadlands rarity score from 1 to 5

Dreadlands Rarity Score Bonuses

1+ | Website Membership & Twitter Group Access

Gain access to the Digi Caps website members only area and at the same time you'll discover additional story that will take you much further into the depths of this project! Secondly, you will also find sneak peaks of upcoming project releases!

Also join our group of dedicated collectors and as a result find out about new drops and exciting releases.

6+ | Display Case NFT for your Caps

Show off your collected Crypto Cap NFTS in a unique display case, which furthermore range from 2-3 caps (Silver), 4-6 caps (Gold), 7-10 caps (Platinum). Each one comes with a plaque showing your ident, which is then created as an NFT and added to the display case collection and transferred to you!

16+ | A custom made bottle cap NFT

Have a custom made bottle cap NFT made to your specifications, added to the main collection and then transferred to you!

26+ | Become a character in The Dreadlands

Finally, become a main character in the story of The Dreadlands! Your character will be drawn (to your specification) and above all written into the Digi Caps lore!

Roadmap for the Crypto Caps

Digi Caps NFT Logo 2023 small
September 2021

Digi Caps Launch

The launch of the website, some background and lore behind The Dreadlands and caps.

25 Caps Sold

Take Mom to Lunch

Celebrate the beginning of a new adventure by taking mum out to lunch!

October 2021

Release the Undercaps

Create undercaps for free giveaways for each cap purchased from Digi Caps.

November 2021

Collab Cap Collection

Collaborate with artists in the Web 3 space and create caps based on their artworks.

100 Caps Sold

Activate Membership

Add a membership area to the website and release more story and lore about The Dreadlands.

125 Caps Sold

Cap Holders Bonuses

Create a set of cap holder bonuses for Dreadlands Rarity points collected from Crypto Caps.

Start of Tribe Wars

Cap Giveaways for Tribe Wars Winners

Tribe Wars winners will be able to win a Crypto Cap amongst other prizes. Create bonuses in the wars for cap holders.

500 Caps Sold

Next Cap Collection

Create and launch the next cap collection. Release the new artwork in small scheduled drops with rewards for buyers every drop.

Female Midnight Marauders Raider NFT example.
100 ETH Trade Vol

Web 3 RPG Game

Using the lore of The Dreadlands, and all collections released by Digi Caps, create a web 3 rpg game where NFT lot can be discovered whilst playing, used in the game or traded.

Crypto Cap NFT Properties

Types of Drinks


Following a raid on Low Town Quarry, the Digi Caps Radiers have discovered a chart in a small safe in an abandoned village house.

As a result you can see the chart here to see what stats are the rarest for your caps!

Flavors and Discorvery


These NFTs also have a prominent flavor list and a chart showing where the bottle cap was found.

Show the chart and find out what stats are indeed the rarest for your caps!

Dreadlands East Map

Furthermore, check out a map of where the Crypto Cap NFT Collection NFTs were discovered in Dreadlands East

In detail, a map of the Dreadlands East area where the Crypto Cap Collection bottle cap NFTs were discovered

Other NFTs by Digi Caps

See our other NFT collections

Don’t miss out on the undeniably awesome Digi Caps Raiders NFT collection. This will be available to mint via this website and furthermore available to trade on the secondary crypto market via OpenSea!

We also offer an NFT Collection of Beasts of The Dreadlands! Find out at length about which terrible creatures you could encounter in this unique dystopian future.

And lastly, see what other bottle cap collections we have on offer…