Welcome to the Bar & Chill backroom

Welcome to the Digi Caps story area, where you can find out more about the lore of The Dreadlands.

If you are a Digi Caps member you can also enjoy exclusive stories and content below, inaccessible to the general public. Just hold a Digi Caps NFT to gain access to these awesome stories.

Dreadlands Origins

Find out more about The Dreadlands

Origin stories open to public

The origin stories are what you should read first. These are our most important pieces of information before you go on to read about other areas of The Dreadlands.

Stories from The Dreadlands

Check out all of the stories from The Dreadlands

Members only

Grab a Bit-ter Coin Ale, kick back and relax as you delve deeper into the lore of The Dreadlands with these short stories.

Raiders Merch Store

Coming soon

Members only

See what we have stashed away behind the bar in the Digi Caps merch store! Raiders only!

Sneak Peeks

Digi Caps Raiders

Check out a selection of the upcoming Raiders! From common attributes to extremely rare, random mints will be available via the Digi Caps website for 6 Matic on Polygon!

Didn’t get the tribe you wanted? Mint some more or trade someone for the tribe you want.

Partaking in the TRIBE WARS will be fun and rewarding! So once you have your Raider don’t forget to verify it on Discord and join a tribe!

There are also 24 Super Unique Raiders to collect! Look out for them!

NFT Projects by Digi Caps

Grab yourself another Cap, Beast or Raider!